
Have you considered self care?

Many things get better by themselves, or with simple measures.  If you need help with self-managing your problem, we recommend the following:

However, if you still require our help, we have a number of options available, outlined below.

Same day access

Doors and phone lines open at 8am

1) Turn up at the practice and request an appointment.
2) Telephone the practice on 0151 295 9222

We try to keep an even spread of appointments through the day, meaning they shouldn’t all suddenly get booked up first thing in the morning, however there may come a point in the day when we cannot put any further patients on the list other than those in exceptional circumstances.

Due to the nature of the same day appointments there is no specific choice of clinician. The receptionist may ask you to give/write a brief description of the problem so that you are seen appropriately.

Pre-booked appointments

To ensure continuity of care, and give the option of a specific pre-booked time and date, you can book ahead with individual clinicians. This can be done at reception, over the phone, or online. The wait for a pre-booked appointment may be over a week. It is essential that you arrive on time. If you fail to attend without a good reason on multiple occasions this service will be withdrawn. 

Telephone consultations

Ring us and leave a contact number with a member of our admin team.   One of our clinicians will call back. We will give you an approximate time the clinician will call eg between 11.00 – 12.00. There are many problems we can deal with over the phone, especially if no examination is required and the problem is not too complex. A prescription can be provided if necessary

Lateness policy

If you are late for your appointment, you may need to re-book.  This is to ensure that other patients are not delayed, and because most problems cannot be adequately managed in anything less than the already restricted consultation time.

Practice closures

At certain times the practice closes within the usual advertised opening hours:

-Wednesdays: Closed 12-2pm weekly, and all afternoon from 12pm on the following Wednesdays in 2020 for training: Jan 29th; Feb 26th; March 25th; April 29th; May 27th; June 24th; July 29th; September 23rd; October 28th; November 25th.


Patients seeking advice from abroad

Please note that we cannot offer medical advice or consultations for patients who are currently abroad, whether you are on vacation, or working abroad, or for any other reason.  This is in keeping with advice from our medical indemnity organisation, which can be seen HERE

You are advised instead to seek medical advice local to where you are.



Admin requests, sick notes, booking certain appointments, and more. 


Find out how to order repeat prescriptions online.


Register as a patient with the practice.